We OPPOSE House Bill 1 or any tax cut that would reduce state income taxes, reduce state funding for public schools, and thereby result in increased reliance on local property taxes—all to produce a tax cut for wealthy Ohioans.
Update: On April 26, the Ohio House passed its House Budget Proposal, HB 33, and sent it on to the Ohio Senate for consideration. While the House included an income tax cut in the budget, it did not include the HB 1 proposal for a flat tax—a proposal that seemed flawed due to its interaction with the old HB 920, which would have automatically increased property taxes for Ohio’s homeowners and farmers. While the House has continued to hold hearings on HB 1, it does not currently appear to be moving forward.
How Ohio’s Income Tax Works - and How the House Budget Would Change It, Guillermo Bervejillo and Zach Schiller, Policy Matters Ohio (April 24, 2023)
Ohio Has Been Cutting Income Taxes for Almost 20 Years. Are Ohioans Better Off?, Lucas Daprile, Plain Dealer (March 26, 2023)
Ohio’s Proposed Income Tax Cut for the Rich Would Impose a $929 Million Property Tax Increase on Ohio’s Homeowners and Farmers, Jan Resseger’s Blog, (March 23, 2023)
Bibb and Ronayne Join Parks, Schools and Local Governments in Opposing Flat Income Tax Bill, Lucas Daprile, Cleveland Plain Dealer (March 14, 2023)
Ohio GOP Income Tax Bill Could Increase Property Taxes and Cut Business Taxes, Lucas Daprile, Cleveland Plain Dealer (March 14, 2023)
The Hidden Costs and Pitfalls in House Bill 1’s Sweeping Tax Rewrite, Zach Schiller, Cleveland Plain Dealer (March 12, 2023)
Would You Pay More or Less Under Ohio House Republican Tax Plan?, Anna Staver, Columbus Dispatch (March 8, 2023)
Ohio House Imperils Public School Revenues with a Proposed State Tax Cut for the Rich, Jan Resseger’s blog (March 7, 2023)
Ohio GOP Tax Bill that Primarily Benefits the Wealthy Could Jeopardize Public Services Such as Parks, Libraries and Schools, Lucas Daprile, Cleveland Plain Dealer (March 5, 2023)
Ohio House Bill That Would Cut Taxes and Cost Local Governments and Schools Gets First Hearing, Karen Kasler, The Statehouse News Bureau (March 1, 2023)
Ohio Republicans Want to Slash $1.2 Billion from Local Governments. How Much Would the Income tax Cut Save You?, Jeremy Pelzer, Cleveland Plain Dealer (February 17, 2023)