We urge the Ohio Legislature to end the Third Grade Reading Guarantee.
During the lame-duck session, after passing the Ohio House by a margin of 82-10 and being endorsed by the Ohio State Board of Education, HB 497 was never considered by the Senate Primary and Secondary Education Committee and never forwarded for a vote by the full Ohio Senate. The 134th General Assembly has adjourned; the bill would have to be reintroduced again in a future General Assembly.
At its November, 2022 meeting, the Ohio State Board of Education passed a resolution urging the Ohio Senate to pass HB 497, thereby ending the Third Grade Guarantee’s mandatory retention in third grade for students who do not achieve a proficient score on the third-grade standardized language arts assessment.
Third-Grade Retention, One Yearly Test Removed Under Proposed Ohio Education Bill, Susan Tebben, Ohio Capital Journal (December 2, 2022)
Ohio Senate Should End Ohio’s Third Grade Guarantee by Passing HB 497, Jan Resseger’s Blog, (October 18, 2022)
Educators, Government Officials Press for Eliminating Ohio’s ‘Third Grade Reading Guarantee’, Chantal Brown, Ohio Capital Journal (October 14, 2022)
Ohio’s Third Grade Reading Retention Law Faces Opposition From Broad Coalition, Andy Chow, Statehouse News Bureau (October 10, 2022)
Ohio House Votes to Drop Requirement that Kids Who Don’t Pass Third Grade Reading Guarantee Repeat the Year, Laura Hancock, cleveland.com (June 1, 2022)