NEOFPE endorsement of SB 376
November 16, 2020
Dear Members of the Ohio Senate Finance Committee:
The Northeast Oho Friends of Public Education supports the Fair School Funding plan. As educators, elected officials, concerned citizens and civic leaders, we urge you to support SB 376 in its entirety, and to give the Senate Finance Committee the opportunity to act on the bill. This legislation is desperately needed, carefully crafted, and too important to the success of the children and state of Ohio to be delayed or blocked from action by the Legislature.
Unfortunately, Covid-19 has interrupted many aspects of our lives including shortening the work schedule of the legislature. That has thrown final action on this bill into the lame duck. But the bill is ready for action. It is not a last-minute proposal, but one that was crafted through a model process of thoughtful policy making with significant input from experts who have a solid knowledge of the costs and needs of public education.
SB 376 addresses the constitutional requirement that the legislature provide for adequate school funding, and makes significant progress towards providing access to high quality education in local school districts across the state, despite the unequal capacity of local communities to fund their public schools. This is the long-awaited remedy to the DeRolph mandates. It is a moment we should all be proud to be part of.
The Plan deserves support for many reasons, but these features are compelling:
It is substantial. It is focused on making it possible for every student to have an education that goes beyond the basics.
It is fair. It is based in a thorough analysis of the actual cost of educating children in the 21st century.
It clarifies the important partnership between state legislature and local communities in funding a quality public education. The formula that defines how the base cost is divided carefully assesses the capacity of local communities to contribute, thereby making school funding more equitable and adequate. Every district benefits.
It gives state government, which has many more options for generating revenue than do local communities, the role of filling in for unique costs of diverse learners, and diverse school district wealth. The immediate increase in disadvantaged pupil aid, improved transportation funding, and resources for preschool education, are three of the key recommendations that will address both adequate funding and make it available where most needed.
It requires that funds are distributed to the education agency that provides the education. By ending deduction funding, the bill provides critical relief to local school district budgets and reduces a significant source of funding inequality.
As advocates for a strong system of public education, we support SB 376. Regardless of one’s interest in privatizing education at public expense, a strong system of public schools is an investment in our state, our future, and the well-being of our citizens and democracy. This legislation gives the Legislature a long-awaited opportunity to fulfill its responsibility to the residents of Ohio.
We urge the Ohio Legislature to pass this new school funding plan.
Eva O’Mara and the members of the Northeast Ohio Friends of Public Education