We OPPOSE the culture war bills facing the Legislature, bills that prohibit teaching about race and fully serving LGBTQ students.

Ohio Senate Bill 83 - The Higher Education DESTRUCTION Act

Ohio House Bill 103 to Revise the State Social Studies Standards.

The following issues were introduced last year in the previous 134th Ohio General Assembly and Ohio State Board of Education. 

Ohio Lawmakers Postpone Bill that Limits Health Care for LGBTQ+ Youth, Morgan Trau, Ohio Capital Journal (November 30, 2022 )

Ohio Republicans Postpone Bill Restricting Transgender Medical Care until 2023, Anna Staver & Jessie Balmert, The Columbus Dispatch (November 29, 2022)

STOP HB 454 — Protect Affirming Care for Transgender Youth, Equality Ohio (November 28, 2022)

The House Committee on Families, Aging, and Human Services held a hearing on this bill on November 16, 2022.

  • HB 616 to ban discussion and materials about racism, sexual orientation, and gender identity

    The 134th General Assembly did not ever fully consider or schedule a vote on this bill.  A new version would have to be introduced in any future Ohio General Assembly.

  • HB 704 to affirm that gender identity is identifiable at birth according to DNA

    The 134th General Assembly did not ever fully consider or schedule a vote on this bill.  A new version would have to be introduced in any future Ohio General Assembly.

  • HB 722 to ban discussion of any ‘sexually explicit’ content and establish a ‘parents bill of rights’

    The 134th General Assembly did not ever fully consider or schedule a vote on this bill.  A new version would have to be introduced in any future Ohio General Assembly.

  • SB 361 to enable former military troops to become teachers with relaxed credentialing

    The 134th General Assembly did not ever fully consider or schedule a vote on this bill.  A new version would have to be introduced in any future Ohio General Assembly.

  • SB 365 to include free market capitalism content in educational standards

    The 134th General Assembly did not ever fully consider or schedule a vote on this bill.  A new version would have to be introduced in any future Ohio General Assembly.

Please consult the website of Honesty for Ohio Education for up-to-date resources on these bills and pending legislative action. The mission of Honesty for Ohio Organization is to track these culture war bills along with press reporting and advocacy resources.